Architect and urbanist ahead of her time
Italia Fulvia Villa (1913 - 1991) is one the first female architects of Argentina. She graduated in 1935 from the School Of Architecture of the University of Buenos Aires which was then part of the Physical and Natural Sciences Faculty. In 1937 she participated in a European study trip with fellow graduates like future founders of Grupo Austral - an avant garde group of architects inspired by modernism - Jorge Ferrari Hardoy and Juan Kurchan. Ferrari Hardoy and Kurchan later stayed in Paris and worked in Le Corbusier’ studio, assisting him in the Buenos Aires Director Plan (1937).
Italia Fulvia Villa, from Buenos Aires, positioned herself as the Argentinian link with the Le Corbusier team and shared with her colleagues the necessary research and documents for the capital’s plans.
“Y total cada vez más hay que pensar que hay que moverse y que hacer algo y poner algo de nosotros mismos para tratar de iniciar un movimiento de reacción contra los mismos jóvenes que tienen el alma vieja, que necesitan impregnarse de conceptos “modernos” no solo en las formas artísticas sino en la misma vida! ”
Carta de Itala Fulvia Villa a Juan Kurchan y Jorge Ferrari Hardoy, 1938. Cortesia Gonzalo Fuzs.
Urbanism was for her an essential discipline and she was a student of one of the firsts Argentinian urbanists, engineer Carlos Maria Della Paolera. Maria Della Paolera worked in the State’s offices, directly implicated in the conception of the city. In 1945, his proposal elaborated with Horacio Nazar for the development of the Bajo Flores won the first prize of the VI Architecture Exhibition.
1. Presentation of the proposal for the urbanization of Bajo Flores in the 6th Salón Nacional de Arquitectura in 1945 (Nuestra Arquitectura Magazine No. 297 September 1945) - 2. Model of the proposal for the urbanization of Bajo Flores in the 6th Salón Nacional de Arquitectura in 1945 (Nuestra Arquitectura Magazine No. 297 September 1945) - 3. Collective housing building on Calle Arcos 2952 made by Itala Fulvia Villa with Violeta Lorraine Pouchkine, 1939 (Central Architecture Society Archive) and Pantheons in the Flores cemetery (Nuestra Arquitectura Magazine No. 379, July 1961) - 4. Austral Magazine n°1: Voluntad y Acción, back cover, June 1939. Austral Magazine n°1 : Voluntad y Acción, (Revista Nuestra Arquitectura, June 1939) - 5. & 6. Draft and preliminary urbanization studies for the City of Buenos Aires, Le Corbusier, 1929.
Itala Fulvia Villa
Jebai Quinta Soraya
Uma mulher na arquitetura moderna argentina (1913-199). Universidad federal da Integracao Latino- Americana, 2016.
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Canal Encuentro
Arquitectas. Maestras del espacio : Itala Fulvia Villa - LumaDoc, 2018.
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Nuestra Arquitectura
Panteones en dos cementerios porteños,
Cementerios de la Chacarita y de Flores - Nuestra Arquitectura n°375 - Julio 1961.
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Fuzs Gonzalo
Austral 1938–1944.
Lo individual y lo colectivo - Barcelona, junio de 2012.
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Moisset Inés
Itala Fulvia Villa 1913-1991. Un dia Una Arquitecta, 11 de Mayo de 2015.
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